SAP Table - PA0903

SAP TablePA0903
DescriptionHR Master Record: Infotype 0903
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryJapan

SAP Japan Tables

PA0888HR Master Record: Infotype 0888PY-JP
T5J35HR Indicator of Taxation JPNPY-JP
T7JPCP_CLFCPARCalculation Factor ParameterPY-JP
T5JFTMultiple payment model in a monthPY-JP
T7JPCP_EXTINSTDefine External InstitutionPY-JP
T7JPBP_PNTRetirement Benefit PointPY-JP
T7JPCP_FORMCATTDefine Form Category TextPY-JP
T7JPCP_PENSIONCorporate Pension PlanPY-JP
T7JPCP_INELGRQParticipation Ineligibility RequisitesPY-JP

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