SAP Table - PA0939

SAP TablePA0939
DescriptionHR Master Record: Infotype 0939
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5TREGTRANSHRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAPPY
T7UA_STAT_VARVariant Name of Statistical ReportPY
HRSM_PMPPayroll Message Pool: Message Table for PayrollPY
T7SI51ZIP codes SKPY
T7TRG01General information about company.PY
T7UAN0Legal FormsPY
T5H1KT5H1J textsPY
T7RO1BRO Insurances - Reasons for Court OrderPY
T7BG0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7UAD3Limit RulesPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables