SAP Table - PA3266

SAP TablePA3266
DescriptionHR master record, infotype 3266
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5H9CControl table of payroll cost center diversionPY
T5HPBS100Amount of international per diem for business tripPY
T7BGC6Certificate typePY
T7ROE4Postal feesPY
PA0935HR Master Record: Infotype 0935PY
T7RO1CER Contributions - Cost Centers for postingPY
T5H82Registered employment relationships - sent statusesPY
T5H1OControl table to private pension fund monthly reportPY
T7UAT5Sick-list paymentsPY
T7SK04Grouping of absences for reportsPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables