SAP Table - S020

SAP TableS020
DescriptionSIS: Customer Potential Analysis
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryInformation System

SAP Information System Tables

ANLY_SD_SETUPActivation of Functionality for SD AnalyticsSD-IS
MCVSRFKStatistically Relevant Fields for Order + Delivery HeaderSD-IS
MCVSRFPStatistically Relevant Fields for Order + Billing DocumentSD-IS
S020SIS: Customer Potential AnalysisSD-IS
S020ES020 - Structure InformationSD-IS
S131Doc. Payment Guarantee: Update Letter of Credit Values (LIS)SD-IS
S135Value contract, target/release order valueSD-IS
S264SD- OfferSD-IS
S264BIW1S264BIW1 * SD - QuotationSD-IS
S264BIW2S264BIW2 * SD - QuotationSD-IS
TKSFKUpdate Sequence: Sales Activity Processing Statistics: HeadrSD-IS

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