SAP Table - T5H6E

SAP TableT5H6E
DescriptionGarnishment subtype
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T7SK51ZIP codes SKPY
T7BGC1Contract typesPY
T5H98Solidarity taxPY
T5T1LBank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)PY
T7TRK06Retirement account tablePY
T7RO03Employee group/subgrou Groupings RomaniaPY
T5TL2Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmesPY
T7BG03EE Group/subgroup Groupings for BulgariaPY
T5TPS77S0TSystem TablesPY
T7TRI06TTexts of occupation dictionaryPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables