SAP Table - T5HPBS81

DescriptionYears in service settings for public sector
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5T47NLabour law relationship typesPY
PA0939HR Master Record: Infotype 0939PY
T7UAF230TForm 23 rows textsPY
T7BGC7NNormative costsPY
T7SI60Warning and error messages from operation SIMSGPY
T7TRK01Compensation factors - notice periodsPY
T7SIA6Bank transfer - interface tablePY
T5T1KHealth insurance institutionsPY
T5HPBS_T538C_DAYComm. - number of days for IT3261 time unitsPY
T5HPBSOKM9Cumulative wage types for forms (RPCLAPH0)PY

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