SAP Table - T5ITFS

DescriptionChoices TFR Text Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryItaly

SAP Italy Tables

T5IT35Sender and CoCoCo Sections (Emens Declaration)PY-IT
T5ITFCTFR Choices Entity TablePY-IT
T5ITW5Characteristics of the sectionsPY-IT
T5ITUD_CReport: report and attribution fieldsPY-IT
PA3206HR Master Record: Infotype 3206PY-IT
T5ITOITSupplementary Social Security Fund Enrollment Type DescrptnPY-IT
T5ITUGETUnified reporting: Text table for content typePY-IT
T5IT36CoCoCo - Activity codesPY-IT
T5IT33Events and reasonsPY-IT
T5ITW4Description of the SectionsPY-IT

Full List of SAP Italy Tables