SAP Table - T5M49

SAP TableT5M49
DescriptionDate Identifiers for Special Payroll
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryDenmark

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M7PGarnishment Types in Danish Payroll (IT 200)PY-DK
T5M8UHierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job KeyPY-DK
T5M_ABSTY_ABSCDLink: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence CodesPY-DK
T5M7GTax Table ProcessingPY-DK
T5M8DDesignate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)PY-DK
T5M8WYear End Corrections for PBS Accumulators (HR-DK)PY-DK
T5MCCCluster Memory TablePY-DK
T5M7BCompany Variant Sets for Payroll VariantsPY-DK
T5M5FSAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)PY-DK
T5M_VASTALeave Accumulation Status (Entity)PY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables