SAP Table - T5M5G

SAP TableT5M5G
DescriptionSAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryDenmark

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M5ESAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)PY-DK
T5M5GSAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)PY-DK
T5M8XInterface: PBS Constants as T511K ConstantsPY-DK
T5M7WFile Entries Assignment from T5M7VPY-DK
T5M5SInformation to PBS for Remuneration StatementPY-DK
T5M_LO_INTERFACELoans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WTPY-DK
T5M7QText Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P)PY-DK
T5M5CSAP-PBS Interface: Wage Type Interval Names DKPY-DK
T5M7AProcessing Possibilities in Danish Payroll StepsPY-DK
T5M9DPBS wage types that need activating.PY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables