SAP Table - T5M7Z

SAP TableT5M7Z
DescriptionField Values from Last Payroll
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryDenmark

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M7YUser Codes for User Variant SetsPY-DK
T5M7BCompany Variant Sets for Payroll VariantsPY-DK
T5M7WFile Entries Assignment from T5M7VPY-DK
T5M8DDesignate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)PY-DK
T5M8LText table for company variant setsPY-DK
T5M5KSAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK)PY-DK
T5M8NCompany-specific RFC destinations for PBS linksPY-DK
T5M9HSplit Indicators for Wage Types Sent to PBSPY-DK
T5M7QText Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P)PY-DK
T5M8OPension institutionsPY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables