SAP Table - T5M8H

SAP TableT5M8H
DescriptionPBS error table for importing error file
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryDenmark

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M7HText Table for Single Steps in ProcessingPY-DK
T5M49Date Identifiers for Special PayrollPY-DK
T5M5BSAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DKPY-DK
T5M5GSAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)PY-DK
T5M7GTax Table ProcessingPY-DK
T5M7LPayroll acct. area selections for payroll run from T5M7DPY-DK
PA0200HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)PY-DK
T5M8EVerify Changes to Wage Type TextsPY-DK
PA0578HR Master Record: Infotype 0578PY-DK
T5M7CDanish Payroll - Step as of Person Listed in mc WPY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables