SAP Table - T5M8X

SAP TableT5M8X
DescriptionInterface: PBS Constants as T511K Constants
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryDenmark

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M9ITexts for End of Year Runs (Payroll)PY-DK
T5M5DSAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK)PY-DK
T5M8MText table for user variant setsPY-DK
T5M7LPayroll acct. area selections for payroll run from T5M7DPY-DK
T5M5QHR_DK: Names of Companies Defined in the PBS SystemPY-DK
T5M5KSAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK)PY-DK
PA0204HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)PY-DK
T5M5FSAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)PY-DK
T5M8RName assignment of PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deductionPY-DK
T5M7ZField Values from Last PayrollPY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables