SAP Table - T5T2G

SAP TableT5T2G
DescriptionConfiguration of tax calculation CZ
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T7RO0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7SK22BCode list of districtsPY
T7UAQ1Quarterly Reports CumulationsPY
T7UA51AV_BCumulation Rules for Averages -Ukrainian fieldsPY
T7UAOC2TTexts of Process of Employee SelectionPY
T7UA0811TCustomizing for 0811 IT Text TablePY
T5T2ZNumber and numbers like wordsPY
T5T1XLast foreign Health insurance - namePY
T7BG4ERecap - Field contentPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables