SAP Table - T609II

SAP TableT609II
DescriptionFT: Declara. to auth.: Special rules country/region
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryForeign Trade

SAP Foreign Trade Tables

T617Foreign Trade: Proposal for Foreign Trade Header DataSD-FT
T610KImport Processing: Customs Quota CodesSD-FT
T604WGGPreference determination: Assignment of plantsSD-FT
A336Quota Duty Rate: Import Country/Code/Orig.Ctry/Quota NumberSD-FT
T609BTFT: Incompl.: Doc.Pric.Proced. - Header and Item - Descript.SD-FT
T610FSImport Processing: Customs Exemption DeterminationSD-FT
T606ELegal Control: Grouping Destination CountriesSD-FT
T608TLegal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - Type of CheckSD-FT
T607DTDocumentary Payments: Descr. for Documents to be PresentedSD-FT
T609ISForeign Trade: Declarations to Auth.: Data Selection ControlSD-FT

Full List of SAP Foreign Trade Tables