SAP Table - T612A

SAP TableT612A
DescriptionForeign Trade/Customs: Electronic Procedure: Duty Types
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryForeign Trade

SAP Foreign Trade Tables

A331Preference Duty Rate: Import Ctry/Code/Orig.Ctry/PreferenceSD-FT
T612GForeign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group.SD-FT
T607EDocumentary Payments: Control Documents per IndicatorSD-FT
A310Duty Rate Customs Exemption: Importing Ctry/Code/MaterialSD-FT
T606YLegal Control: Export Control Classes for LicenseSD-FT
MMPREK_PRO_01Log table for archiving object MMPREKSD-FT
T610RImport Processing: Reference CountriesSD-FT
T610ZForeign Trade: Customs Identification Nos - Vendor/CustomerSD-FT
T612NTFT/Customs: Electr. Proced.: Type of ident. of goods - descrSD-FT
T610ATImport Processing: Anti-dumping Code DescriptionsSD-FT

Full List of SAP Foreign Trade Tables