SAP Table - T77WWW_CTP

DescriptionESS Service Catalog Item
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryCross-Application Components
Sub CategoryEmployee Self-Service

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SAP Employee Self-Service Tables

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T77WWW_CDESS Country-Specific ServicesCA-ESS
T7XSSSERRESResource Object DefinitionCA-ESS
T77WWW_INFTYESS Infotypes for Exclude TableCA-ESS
T77WWW_LECCPColor code allocation to serviceCA-ESS
T77WWW_SDATARequired Data for External ServicesCA-ESS
T7XSSSERSARBBasic Subarea DefinitionCA-ESS
T7XSSSERRESTResource Object Definition TextCA-ESS
T7XSSSERARGBCXSS: Basic Areagroup definition customerCA-ESS
T7XSSSERSRVCXSS: Basic Service definition customerCA-ESS

Full List of SAP Employee Self-Service Tables