SAP Table - T7KRS3

DescriptionWage type group
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategorySouth Korea

SAP South Korea Tables

T7KRP0Previous Company / Taxpayer AssociationPY-KR
T7KRT1Tax deduction itemsPY-KR
T7KRS7Income deduction based on service periodPY-KR
T7KRR1Seniory year calculation methodPY-KR
T7KR32Standardized monthly compensationPY-KR
T7KRTDValidity period for Version of Tax ratePY-KR
T7KRS2Separation payment average calculation periodPY-KR
T7KRS1Weighted value for service periodPY-KR
T7KRS6Cumulation methodPY-KR
T7KRTTVersion number of Tax rate table - TextPY-KR

Full List of SAP South Korea Tables