SAP Table - T7MX11

SAP TableT7MX11
DescriptionTax table types
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryMexico

SAP Mexico Tables

T7MX16Company tax allowancePY-MX
T7MX81Texts for work termination reasonsPY-MX
T7MXG2Default valuesPY-MX
T7MX14Wage credit tablePY-MX
T7MX17Breakdown groupers for the state tax basisPY-MX
T7MX18Wage types for forming the state tax basisPY-MX
T7MX01Additional Company InformatonPY-MX
T7MX19State tax supplementary tax ratesPY-MX
PA0654Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination)PY-MX
T7MX02Mexican reasons for personnel actionsPY-MX

Full List of SAP Mexico Tables