SAP Table - T7RUGA

DescriptionGarnishment: Region Key
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryRussia

SAP Russia Tables

T7RU_556BAbsence Quota Type TextsPY-RU
T7RU9GRPDefinition of the groupsPY-RU
T7RUD3Limit RulesPY-RU
T7RUT6Text for Social group SIPY-RU
PA0293HR Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)PY-RU
T7RU9GRP_TText of Group of parametersPY-RU
T7RU51AV_Aalculation Rules for Averages - Russian fieldsPY-RU
T7RUT1_CETaxes and netto payments - addition for CEPY-RU
T7RUGXHR: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia) - TEXT tablePY-RU
T7RUAWARDSGState Awards GroupsPY-RU

Full List of SAP Russia Tables