SAP Table - T7SIST

DescriptionTax table and table of rounding SI
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5HPBS_T588MScreenControl MappingPY
T5H6FGarnishment subtype namePY
T7UA_STAT_VFLDView Variant FieldsPY
T5H4YCompany data to contribution computationPY
T5TREGTRANSHRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAPPY
T5HPBSOKM1Documents for document groupPY
T5H4QAuxiliary table to health insurance statistical reportPY
T7UAAG1Asign Attendance and Absence Types to GroupsPY
T7SKA1External transfersPY
T7SKL6Quota reduction for leave in IT2006PY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables