SAP Table - T7SK10

SAP TableT7SK10
DescriptionTarif groups - ext.survey
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T7SK1KHealth insurance institutionsPY
T7UAD3Limit RulesPY
T7SK4EText of report parametersPY
T5T4GParameter configuration personal reportts for output by ALVPY
T5HPBS94Security conditions (for IT3265)PY
T7RO04Classification of absences for legal purposesPY
T7SIA1Annual tax - Master dataPY
T5T47Contract types - extension of T547VPY
T7ROA1Bank transfer - interface tablePY
T7UA1656Infotype 1656 Fields: Legal properties (Ukraine)PY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables