SAP Table - T7SK51

SAP TableT7SK51
DescriptionZIP codes SK
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5T13Jobs x KZAMPY
T5H6CGarnishment priorityPY
T5H4OReported "closed incapacities to work"PY
T7BGC1TContract types - textPY
T7TRI08Occupation DictionaryPY
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TITComm. - contract type text tablePY
T7BGC2TContract types NAP -textsPY
T7BG1AInsurance calculationPY
T5HPBS85Reason for closing a rankPY
T5TPFConfiguration table for medium of pension fundsPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables