SAP Table - T7SKL6

DescriptionQuota reduction for leave in IT2006
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T5T57ZIP codes CZPY
T5HAACumulation interrelationsPY
PA0519HR Master Record: Infotype 0519PY
T7BGC6Certificate typePY
T7UAN1_WTRDefine fields to display at Wage Type Reporter(HUACFP49)PY
T7ROA3Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPY
T7UARPTCST00HR-UA Report's customizing dataPY
T5H1MPrivate pension fund title codesPY
T7SK22AArea of educationPY
T5TELDP2004TRANSRecords ELDP for transfer from external system to SAPPY

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