SAP Table - T7TRI06T

DescriptionTexts of occupation dictionary
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T7RO005RO Nationality Names for EE RegisterPY
T5HPBS08Manager gradesPY
T5H8UTable of transfer feesPY
T5H44Regular absence fee wage typesPY
T5H4LText table of first two characters of 5-char. absence codePY
T7BGC9Numbering subobjects for OrdersPY
T7TRK02Wage types for higher duty allowancePY
T5H82KRegistered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPY
T7RO26EE Tax payment officePY
T7UAE0TEvent Grouping TextPY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables