SAP Table - TBCO

DescriptionOptions in bar chart
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryFrontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184)

SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables

GFWCUDIUGFW Customizing: Chart (Customer Data)BC-FES
GFWCUPOGFW Customizing: PointBC-FES
IACMU_CContent of MIME Objects (Language-Independent)BC-FES
TFTBTVarChart Graphics: Texts on Font TypeBC-FES
TBCATText on Chart Types in the Bar ChartBC-FES
TBCCTText on Color Types in the Bar ChartBC-FES
TLSUISAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Reserved Toolbox EntriesBC-FES
IACMIMELPObsolete: Parameters for MIME Objects File & Rel. PathBC-FES
TLSUTSAP Structural Graphics: Text Table for SeparatorsBC-FES
NWBC_C_GUI_TAGDefinition of SAPGUI Tags by CustomerBC-FES

Full List of SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables