SAP Table - TF001

SAP TableTF001
DescriptionSAP Cons.: Global Specifications
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryEnterprise Controlling
Sub CategoryConsolidation

SAP Consolidation Tables

TF340Data Entry ProfilesEC-CS
TF155Dimensions: Assign Task GroupsEC-CS
TF171Position of Contact Person: DescriptionEC-CS
TF91FDField Catalog - Consolidation, Characteristic DependenciesEC-CS
TF823Organizational Changes: Group AssignmentEC-CS
TF080List Directory of MCDXEC-CS
TF233Reclassification Versions: DescriptionEC-CS
TF592AElimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS ItemsEC-CS
TF625Group SharesEC-CS
TF517Journal Entry Layout: Field NamesEC-CS

Full List of SAP Consolidation Tables