SAP Table - TF260

SAP TableTF260
DescriptionOverall Status of CG/CU - Data Monitor
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryEnterprise Controlling
Sub CategoryConsolidation

SAP Consolidation Tables

TF280User-Defined TasksEC-CS
TF506Document Types: Field-Dependent PropertiesEC-CS
TF642Fair Value Adjustments: NameEC-CS
TF117Subitems: Long TextsEC-CS
TFMIG01Allocation: Ledger -> LedgerEC-CS
TF362Download: Selection Parameters for Downloading Fin. DataEC-CS
TF602C/I Methods: Cons Chart of Accounts-Based SettingsEC-CS
TFBW1Data streams into BWEC-CS
TF615C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document TypesEC-CS

Full List of SAP Consolidation Tables