SAP Table - TLSU4

DescriptionSAP Structural Graphics: Text Table Screen Fonts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryFrontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184)

SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables

BDSPHRI14BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information ObjectsBC-FES
IACHTMLObsolete:INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Independent)BC-FES
GFWCUDSUGFW Customizing: Data Table (Customer Data)BC-FES
TBCATText on Chart Types in the Bar ChartBC-FES
TFATTVarChart Graphics: Texts for Field AttributesBC-FES
BDSLOIOT14BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information ObjectsBC-FES
TCNNTNetwork/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Node ProfilesBC-FES
GFWCUITGFW Customizing: ItemBC-FES
TGPNTName in product management for graphic controlBC-FES
IACKEYCONVObsolete: IAC: Conversion of Long Keys into Short KeysBC-FES

Full List of SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables