SAP Display Cost Center Tcodes (Transaction Codes)

7KE2Display Plan Costs/RevenuesEC-PCA
7KECDisplay Planning Layout for Cost/RevEC-PCA
9KE2Display Cost/Revenue BalancesEC-PCA
9KECDisplay Layout for Cost/Revenue BalsEC-PCA
CK13Display Product Cost EstimateCO-PCP
CK13NDisplay Material Cost EstimateCO-PCP
CK43Display Costing RunCO-PCP
CK53Display Order BOM Cost EstimateCO-PCP
CK53NDisplay Order BOM Cost EstimateCO-PCP
CK76Display Additive CostsCO-PCP
CK76NDisplay Additive CostsCO-PCP
CKMCCSDisplay Actual Cost Component SplitCO-PC-ACT
CKRU03ML Costing Run, Display ProfileCO-PC-ACT
CKRU05Display ML Costing RunCO-PC-ACT
CKW3Display Production Lot Cost Estimate CO-PC-PCP-WQS
CPK3Display Task Cost DataCO-OM-ABC
FCODOCDisplay Failure Cost DocumentsCO-PC-OBJ
FOKEDisplay Cost Element Planning LayoutRE
FOKQRE: Display Plan.Cost Elem/ Actual InptRE
FOKSRE: Display Plan.Primary Cost ElementsRE
FOWUDisplay simplif.cost effic.analysisRE
FOWZ Display Cost Efficiency AnalysisRE
FRC2Display Cost Element -> FM Account AsgtPSM-FM
FRC4Display Cost Center -> FM Account AsgmtPSM-FM
JBJJDisplay Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.RuleIS-B-RA
KA03Display Cost ElementCO-OM
KA03COREDisplay Cost ElementsCO
KA05Cost element: display changesCO-OM
KAH3Display cost element groupCO-OM
KB13Display Reposting of Primary CostsCO
KB13NDisplay Manual Repostings of CostsCO
KB13NPDisplay Manual Repostings of CostsCO
KK17CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInputCO-PC-OBJ
KK67COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInptCO-PC-OBJ
KKATWIP Display for Product Cost Collective CO-PC-OBJ
KKAWWIP Display Cost Object HierarchyCO-PC-OBJ
KKC3Display Cost ObjectCO-PC-OBJ
KKC6Display Cost Object PlanningCO-PC-OBJ
KKH3Display Cost Object GroupCO-OM-ABC
KKP4Display Cost Object HierarchyCO-PC-OBJ-PER
KKPCDisplay Cost Est with o Qty StructureCO-PCP
KKPCNDisplay Cost Estimate with o Qty StructureCO-PCP
KP17Display Plan Data for Primary CostsCO
KP37Display Secondary Costs Plan DataCO
KP67Display Cost Planning LayoutCO
KPA7Display Primary Cost Elem. PlanningCO
KPG7Display Cost Planning LayoutCO
KPRDDisplay Costing Sheet for CO Res.CO
KPZ3Display Cost Center BudgetCO
KS03Display Cost CenterCO-OM