SAP Table - HRP1683

SAP TableHRP1683
DescriptionDB Table for Infotype 1683
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryFrance

SAP France Tables

T77TNM_CLTNM: class reference - table type SPY-FR
T5F1AFOfficial organization codesPY-FR
T5F6FM-1 management of presence incidents (SAP/ADP interface)PY-FR
PA0576HR Master Record Infotype 0576PY-FR
T77TNM_C0Valid parameter namesPY-FR
T77TNM_ABTNM: absence records tablePY-FR
T5F1BAContribution attributes for insurance companiesPY-FR
T5F6LSend Details (DDE)PY-FR
T5F7BTWage type text insurance contribution modifierPY-FR

Full List of SAP France Tables