SAP Table - HRP1690

SAP TableHRP1690
DescriptionDB Table for Infotype 1690
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryFrance

SAP France Tables

T5F1BDContribution basis type code by applicationPY-FR
T5F6GBatch header recordingPY-FR
T77TNM_C0TParameter descriptionPY-FR
T77TNM_TACTNM: table to handle tabstrip naming (custo)PY-FR
HRP1683DB Table for Infotype 1683PY-FR
T5F61Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Clusters.PY-FR
T5F1AFOfficial organization codesPY-FR
T5F1BAContribution attributes for insurance companiesPY-FR
T5F1BCContribution base nature type code mappingPY-FR

Full List of SAP France Tables