SAP Table - T5F62

SAP TableT5F62
DescriptionDynamic Mapping for Interface: Wage Types as Master Data
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassW
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryFrance

SAP France Tables

T5F6KSend Table (TDE)PY-FR
PA0429HR Master Record, Infotype 0429PY-FR
T5F9ATWage type texts for personnel groupings insurance policiesPY-FR
T5F9AReference of the pension fund contractPY-FR
HRP1684DB Table for Infotype 1684PY-FR
T5FN4DS000N4DS IDs resultPY-FR
PA0432HR Master Record, Infotype 0432PY-FR
T5F61Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Clusters.PY-FR
T5F6BDynamic Mapping for Interface: DDIC ADP (309FF)PY-FR

Full List of SAP France Tables