SAP Table - T5F68

SAP TableT5F68
DescriptionTEDC TDT
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassW
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryFrance

SAP France Tables

T77TNM_C0TParameter descriptionPY-FR
T5FDA2DADSU codes groupsPY-FR
T5F6JList of Individual TransfersPY-FR
PA0429HR Master Record, Infotype 0429PY-FR
PA0485Infotype 0485PY-FR
T77TNM_OBTTable Training Objective TextPY-FR
T5F1OContribution attribute modifiersPY-FR
T77TNM_CCLTNM: class reference - table type CPY-FR
T5F1AFOfficial organization codesPY-FR

Full List of SAP France Tables