An Epsilon-NFA (ε-NFA) is a type of nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) that allows transitions without consuming any input symbols. These transitions are called epsilon transitions (or ε-transitions). This added flexibility makes ε-NFAs easier to construct for certain patterns, while still being computationally equivalent to both NFAs and DFAs.
Key Features of Epsilon-NFA
Here are the unique features of ε-NFAs:
- ε-Transitions: The automaton can move from one state to another without reading an input symbol.
- Nondeterminism: For a given state and input, the automaton may transition to multiple states, similar to an NFA.
- Acceptance: An ε-NFA accepts a string if there exists at least one path, including ε-transitions, that ends in an accept state after processing the input.
Formal Definition
An ε-NFA is formally defined as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F), where:
- Q: A finite set of states.
- Σ: A finite input alphabet.
- δ: A transition function, δ: Q × (Σ ∪ {ε}) → 2^Q, which maps a state and an input symbol (or ε) to a set of next states.
- q₀: The start state.
- F: A set of accept states, F ⊆ Q.
Example: ε-NFA for Strings Ending with ‘ab’
Consider an ε-NFA that recognizes strings over Σ = {a, b} that end with the substring ‘ab’. The ε-NFA can be defined as follows:
- States (Q): {q₀, q₁, q₂, q₃}
- Alphabet (Σ): {a, b}
- Start State: q₀
- Accept State: q₃
- Transition function: δ
δ(q₀, 'a') = {q₀, q₁} δ(q₀, 'b') = {q₀} δ(q₁, 'b') = {q₂} δ(q₂, ε) = {q₃}
Diagram: State diagram showing ε-transitions between q₂ and q₃, with other transitions as defined above.

Conversion of ε-NFA to NFA
To use an ε-NFA in practical applications, it is often converted into an equivalent NFA by eliminating ε-transitions. This is done using the following steps:
- Calculate the ε-closure for each state (the set of states reachable from a given state using ε-transitions).
- Update the transition function to account for ε-closures, ensuring that all ε-transitions are replaced with direct transitions between states.
- Retain the original start state and determine new accept states based on the ε-closure of each accept state in the ε-NFA.
Key Takeaways
- ε-NFAs allow transitions without consuming input symbols, making them flexible and easier to design.
- They are equivalent to NFAs and DFAs, meaning every ε-NFA can be converted into an NFA or DFA.
- Understanding ε-NFAs is essential for mastering the theory of computation and designing complex automata efficiently.
- Applications of ε-NFAs include simplifying the design of pattern recognizers and regular expressions.