Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

A Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) is a type of finite automaton where multiple transitions are allowed for a given state and input symbol. In some cases, there may even be transitions without any input symbol (ε-transitions). NFAs are flexible and easier to construct than their deterministic counterparts, though they are computationally equivalent to DFAs.

Key Features of NFA

NFAs have the following characteristics:

  1. Multiple Transitions: For a given state and input symbol, an NFA can transition to multiple next states.
  2. ε-Transitions: An NFA can transition from one state to another without consuming any input symbol.
  3. Acceptance: An NFA accepts a string if there exists at least one sequence of transitions that ends in an accept state after processing the input.
  4. Non-Determinism: Unlike DFAs, the behavior of an NFA is not predictable at each step as it may have multiple choices for transitions.

Formal Definition

An NFA is formally defined as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F), where:

  • Q: A finite set of states.
  • Σ: A finite input alphabet.
  • δ: A transition function, δ: Q × (Σ ∪ {ε}) → 2^Q, which maps a state and input symbol (or ε) to a set of next states.
  • q₀: The start state, where the NFA begins processing.
  • F: A set of accept states, F ⊆ Q.

Example: NFA for Strings Ending with ‘ab’

Let’s create an NFA to recognize strings over the alphabet Σ = {a, b} that end with the substring ‘ab’.

We need to construct a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) to recognize strings that end with the substring ‘ab’. The key difference from a DFA is that an NFA allows multiple transitions for the same input from a given state, and acceptance is determined if any computation path leads to an accept state. For example:

  • Accepted Strings: 'ab''aab''bab''aaab''bbbab'
  • Rejected Strings: 'a''b''ba''aaa''bba'

Components of the NFA

States, Q: {q₀, q₁, q₂}

  • q₀: Initial state. Represents the scenario where no part of the target substring ‘ab’ has been detected yet.
  • q₁: Intermediate state. Represents that the input has ended with ‘a’ but not yet formed the ‘ab’ substring.
  • q₂: Accept state. Represents that the input ends with ‘ab’, making the string valid.

Alphabets which are Input, Σ: {a, b}

  • The set of characters the NFA can read: Σ = {a, b}.

Start State (q₀):

  • The state where the NFA begins processing.

Accept State F: {q₂}

  • q₂: The state where the NFA ends if the input string contains 'ab'.

Transition Rules (δ):

These rules define how the NFA moves between states based on the input:

δ(q₀, 'a') = {q₀, q₁}
δ(q₀, 'b') = {q₀}
δ(q₁, 'b') = {q₂}
δ(q₁, 'a') = {}
δ(q₂, 'a') = {}
δ(q₂, 'b') = {}
  • δ(q₀, 'a') = {q₀, q₁}: On input ‘a’, the NFA can stay in q₀ or move to q₁.
  • δ(q₀, 'b') = {q₀}: On input ‘b’, the NFA stays in q₀.
  • δ(q₁, 'b') = {q₂}: On input ‘b’, the NFA moves to q₂, completing ‘ab’.
  • δ(q₁, 'a') = {}: On input ‘a’, the NFA cannot transition further from q₁.
  • δ(q₂, 'a') = {}: On input ‘a’, the NFA cannot transition further from q₂.
  • δ(q₂, 'b') = {}: On input ‘b’, the NFA cannot transition further from q₂.

State Diagram

By combining all the above transitions, we get the following state diagram.

Key Takeaways

  • NFAs allow multiple transitions for a given input and can include ε-transitions.
  • They are easier to construct than DFAs, especially for complex patterns.
  • NFAs and DFAs are computationally equivalent, meaning every NFA has an equivalent DFA that recognizes the same language.
  • NFAs are commonly used in the implementation of regular expressions and text searching algorithms.