Pushdown Automata

A Pushdown Automaton (PDA) is a computational model used to recognize Context-Free Languages (CFLs). It extends the concept of a finite automaton by adding a stack, which provides additional memory for handling nested and recursive structures, such as balanced parentheses or nested expressions.

Definition of Pushdown Automata

A PDA is formally defined as a 7-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q₀, Z₀, F), where:

  • Q: A finite set of states.
  • Σ: The input alphabet (set of symbols).
  • Γ: The stack alphabet (symbols that can be pushed or popped from the stack).
  • δ: The transition function, defined as:
    δ: Q × (Σ ∪ {ε}) × Γ → P(Q × Γ*)
    This means the PDA can transition based on the current state, input symbol (or ε for no input), and the top of the stack, and update the stack accordingly.
  • q₀: The start state, where the computation begins.
  • Z₀: The initial stack symbol, present on the stack at the start.
  • F: A set of accept states, where the computation ends if the PDA reaches one of these states.

A PDA accepts a string in one of two ways:

  • By reaching an accept state.
  • By emptying its stack (depending on the type of PDA).

Example 1: PDA for Balanced Parentheses

Consider the language L = {w | w contains balanced parentheses}. This language is context-free and can be recognized by a PDA.

PDA Configuration:

  • Q: {q₀, q₁} (start state q₀ and accept state q₁).
  • Σ: {‘(‘, ‘)’}
  • Γ: {‘(‘, Z₀} (stack alphabet includes ( and initial symbol Z₀).
  • Z₀: The initial stack symbol.
  • F: {q₁}

Transition Function (δ):

δ(q₀, '(', Z₀) = {(q₀, (Z₀)}
δ(q₀, '(', '(') = {(q₀, ((}
δ(q₀, ')', '(') = {(q₀, ε)}
δ(q₀, ε, Z₀) = {(q₁, Z₀)}

Explanation: The PDA pushes ( onto the stack for every opening parenthesis and pops ( for every closing parenthesis. The string is accepted if the stack is empty after processing all input.

Example 2: PDA for Palindromes

Consider the language L = {wwᴿ | w ∈ {a, b}*}, where wwᴿ is a string followed by its reverse.

PDA Configuration:

  • Q: {q₀, q₁, q₂}
  • Σ: {‘a’, ‘b’}
  • Γ: {‘a’, ‘b’, Z₀}
  • Z₀: The initial stack symbol.
  • F: {q₂}

Transition Function (δ):

δ(q₀, 'a', Z₀) = {(q₀, aZ₀)}
δ(q₀, 'b', Z₀) = {(q₀, bZ₀)}
δ(q₀, 'a', a) = {(q₀, aa)}
δ(q₀, 'b', b) = {(q₀, bb)}
δ(q₀, ε, Z₀) = {(q₁, Z₀)}
δ(q₁, 'a', a) = {(q₁, ε)}
δ(q₁, 'b', b) = {(q₁, ε)}
δ(q₁, ε, Z₀) = {(q₂, Z₀)}

Explanation: The PDA pushes symbols onto the stack while reading the first half of the string. When it transitions to q₁, it starts popping symbols for every matching input symbol in the second half. The string is accepted if the stack is empty at the end.

Key Takeaways

  • Pushdown Automata extend finite automata by adding a stack, enabling them to recognize context-free languages.
  • PDAs are used to recognize languages with nested or recursive structures, such as balanced parentheses or palindromes.
  • The stack in a PDA allows for non-linear memory, making them more powerful than finite automata but less powerful than Turing machines.
  • PDAs are a fundamental model for parsers in compilers and the study of formal languages.