Turing Machines

A Turing Machine (TM) is a theoretical computational model that forms the foundation of computer science. Proposed by Alan Turing in 1936, it provides a formal framework to define what it means for a function to be computable. Turing Machines are more powerful than finite automata and pushdown automata, as they can simulate any algorithm and solve problems beyond the capability of simpler models.

Definition of a Turing Machine

A Turing Machine is formally defined as a 7-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q₀, qᴀ, qʀ), where:

  • Q: A finite set of states.
  • Σ: The input alphabet, excluding the blank symbol .
  • Γ: The tape alphabet, which includes Σ, the blank symbol , and possibly additional symbols.
  • δ: The transition function, defined as:
    δ: Q × Γ → Q × Γ × {L, R}
    It specifies the machine’s actions: the next state, the symbol to write, and the direction to move (Left or Right).
  • q₀: The start state, where computation begins.
  • qᴀ: The accept state, indicating successful computation.
  • qʀ: The reject state, indicating unsuccessful computation.

The Turing Machine operates on an infinite tape divided into cells, each containing a symbol from Γ. A read-write head moves along the tape, reading symbols, writing symbols, and transitioning between states as per δ.

Components of a Turing Machine

A Turing Machine consists of the following components:

  • Tape: The tape is an infinite sequence of cells that acts as the machine’s memory. Initially, it contains the input string followed by blank symbols .
  • Head: The read-write head scans a single cell of the tape at a time. It can read the symbol, write a new symbol, and move left or right.
  • Finite Control: The finite control determines the machine’s behavior based on the current state and the symbol under the head. It refers to the transition function δ.
  • States: The finite set of states Q governs the machine’s operation, including start, accept, and reject states.

The interaction between these components allows the Turing Machine to perform computations by reading, writing, and moving along the tape.

Example: Turing Machine for Palindromes

Consider a Turing Machine that checks whether a binary string is a palindrome (reads the same forward and backward).


  • Q: {q₀, q₁, q₂, qᴀ, qʀ}
  • Σ: {0, 1}
  • Γ: {0, 1, ⊔, X}
  • q₀: Start state
  • qᴀ: Accept state
  • qʀ: Reject state

Transition Function:

δ(q₀, '0') = (q₁, X, R)   // Mark '0' as X and move right
δ(q₀, '1') = (q₂, X, R)   // Mark '1' as X and move right
δ(q₀, ⊔)  = (qᴀ, ⊔, N)   // Accept if the tape is empty

δ(q₁, '0') = (q₁, '0', R) // Move to the end
δ(q₁, '1') = (q₁, '1', R)
δ(q₁, ⊔)  = (qᴀ, ⊔, L)   // Accept if all matched

δ(q₂, '0') = (qʀ, '0', N) // Reject if mismatch
δ(q₂, '1') = (qʀ, '1', N)
δ(q₂, ⊔)  = (qᴀ, ⊔, L)   // Accept at end

The Turing Machine marks matching symbols at the ends of the string and moves inward, rejecting mismatches and accepting if all match.

Key Takeaways

  • A Turing Machine is a powerful computational model capable of simulating any algorithm.
  • It consists of components like an infinite tape, a read-write head, a finite control, and a set of states.
  • It operates by reading, writing, and moving along the tape based on its transition function.
  • Turing Machines form the theoretical foundation of computability and complexity theory.