Are you applying for a post of Automation Tester? This article helps you with most frequently asked Automation Testing Interview Questions.

There are many Automation Tools available for testing different types of applications. This series of interview questions focus on the process and practices related to Automation Testing rather than a specific framework or tool.

Automation Testing Interview Questions

Q1 - What do you think Automation is in Testing?

Automation is a technology using which human assistance is reduced by a great amount. In testing software applications, each test case is automated by writing a program or trained to be done by a framework.

Q2 - How do you decide if an Application can be tested using Automation?

Prior to automation, use cases have to be written. For each use case, test cases have to be identified. Then, based on the testing frameworks and tools available, a decision has to be taken if the use case or test case can be automated.

Q3 - Can you achieve complete Automation for testing an Application?

Ideally, it is possible. But considering the budget allocations, sometimes, some test cases are better to be manually tested. Since the goal of automation is not only reducing the human assistance but minimizing the cost of the project. If automating a test case costs more than executing it manually over the course of the project, then it is better to leave the test case from automation.

Q4 - What is the main difference between an Automation Tool and Automation Framework?

The principal difference between a Tool and a Framework used for Automation Testing is that:

Automation Tool is an application that actually runs the test cases.

Automation Framework helps to selectively execute the test cases, govern execution flow, take the logs, manage the test configurations, etc.

Automation Framework by itself cannot be of much use. It is always used in conjunction with an Automation Tool.

Q5 - What different kinds of applications with Automation Testing have you encountered?

Web Application for UI Testing

Using QTP and Selenium,

Desktop Applications for UI Testing

Using Window Handles, Image Processing, and Text Recognition: Desktop Applications’ UI can be tested.

Mobile Applications for End to End Testing

Q6 - What are the layers of a project you think can be automated?

Automation Testing has become popular with Web UI Testing. But in the recent times, Automation Testing is being applied at different layers of the project. A complete end to end testing can be automated.

Q7 - Which kind of test cases require Automation?

Those test cases which have to be executed over and over. Also, this kind of test cases has to be given much priority.

Q8 - Give us an example of a process for reducing Automation efforts with respect to coding.

Modular programming is a better choice. Identifying all of the small and independent tasks during testing is the key. Then chain or pipeline the required modules for each test case. This helps in excellent code reuse and quicker delivery of test automation.

Q9 - Which are the areas in which Automation Testing efficiency could be improved?

Quality Test Cases

Quality Test Cases is the foremost important item when it comes to improving efficiency.

Each and every test case has to be audited for functional coverage, and its impact on the overall project.

Quality Test Cases eliminate redundancy among the test cases and thus shrink the number of test cases to an optimal minimal while covering all the functional flows in the application and business logic.

Right Tool for the Job

Choose a right testing tool for the Automation based on the application, programming language, backend databases etc.

Q10 - How do you implement Automation Testing in an Agile project?

Agile methodology involves dynamic changes to use cases and also the inclusion of new use cases during sprints. To keep up with the continuous sprints in an Agile project, Automation activities have to be done parallelly along with the development.