Table for Molar Mass of All the Elements

This comprehensive table lists all known chemical elements, their atomic numbers, and their molar masses, expressed in grams per mole (g/mol).

Element NameAtomic NumberMolar Mass (g/mol)
Hydrogen (H)11.00784
Helium (He)24.0026
Lithium (Li)36.94
Beryllium (Be)49.0122
Boron (B)510.81
Carbon (C)612.011
Nitrogen (N)714.007
Oxygen (O)815.999
Fluorine (F)918.998
Neon (Ne)1020.180
Sodium (Na)1122.99
Magnesium (Mg)1224.305
Aluminum (Al)1326.982
Silicon (Si)1428.085
Phosphorus (P)1530.974
Sulfur (S)1632.06
Chlorine (Cl)1735.45
Argon (Ar)1839.948
Potassium (K)1939.098
Calcium (Ca)2040.078
Scandium (Sc)2144.956
Titanium (Ti)2247.867
Vanadium (V)2350.942
Chromium (Cr)2451.996
Manganese (Mn)2554.933
Iron (Fe)2655.845
Cobalt (Co)2758.933
Nickel (Ni)2858.693
Copper (Cu)2963.546
Zinc (Zn)3065.38
Gallium (Ga)3169.723
Germanium (Ge)3272.63
Arsenic (As)3374.922
Selenium (Se)3478.971
Bromine (Br)3579.904
Krypton (Kr)3683.798
Rubidium (Rb)3785.468
Strontium (Sr)3887.62
Yttrium (Y)3988.906
Zirconium (Zr)4091.224
Niobium (Nb)4192.906
Technetium (Tc)43[98]
Ruthenium (Ru)44101.07
Rhodium (Rh)45102.91
Palladium (Pd)46106.42
Silver (Ag)47107.87
Cadmium (Cd)48112.41
Indium (In)49114.82
Tin (Sn)50118.71
Antimony (Sb)51121.76
Tellurium (Te)52127.60
Iodine (I)53126.90
Xenon (Xe)54131.29
Caesium (Cs)55132.91
Barium (Ba)56137.33
Lanthanum (La)57138.91
Cerium (Ce)58140.12
Praseodymium (Pr)59140.91
Neodymium (Nd)60144.24
Promethium (Pm)61[145]
Samarium (Sm)62150.36
Europium (Eu)63151.96
Gadolinium (Gd)64157.25
Terbium (Tb)65158.93
Dysprosium (Dy)66162.50
Holmium (Ho)67164.93
Erbium (Er)68167.26
Thulium (Tm)69168.93
Ytterbium (Yb)70173.04
Lutetium (Lu)71174.97
Hafnium (Hf)72178.49
Tantalum (Ta)73180.95
Tungsten (W)74183.84
Rhenium (Re)75186.21
Osmium (Os)76190.23
Iridium (Ir)77192.22
Platinum (Pt)78195.08
Gold (Au)79196.97
Mercury (Hg)80200.59
Thallium (Tl)81204.38
Lead (Pb)82207.2
Bismuth (Bi)83208.98
Polonium (Po)84[209]
Astatine (At)85[210]
Radon (Rn)86[222]
Francium (Fr)87[223]
Radium (Ra)88[226]
Actinium (Ac)89[227]
Thorium (Th)90232.04
Protactinium (Pa)91231.04
Uranium (U)92238.03
Neptunium (Np)93[237]
Plutonium (Pu)94[244]
Americium (Am)95[243]
Curium (Cm)96[247]
Berkelium (Bk)97[247]
Californium (Cf)98[251]
Einsteinium (Es)99[252]
Fermium (Fm)100[257]
Mendelevium (Md)101[258]
Nobelium (No)102[259]
Lawrencium (Lr)103[262]
Rutherfordium (Rf)104[267]
Dubnium (Db)105[270]
Seaborgium (Sg)106[271]
Bohrium (Bh)107[270]
Hassium (Hs)108[277]
Meitnerium (Mt)109[278]
Darmstadtium (Ds)110[281]
Roentgenium (Rg)111[282]
Copernicium (Cn)112[285]
Nihonium (Nh)113[286]
Flerovium (Fl)114[289]
Moscovium (Mc)115[290]
Livermorium (Lv)116[293]
Tennessine (Ts)117[294]
Oganesson (Og)118[294]

Understanding Molar Mass

The molar mass of a substance is the mass of one mole of its molecules or atoms, measured in grams per mole (g/mol). A mole is a fundamental unit in chemistry that represents a specific number of particles, usually Avogadro’s number, which is approximately \(6.022 \times 10^{23}\). For molecular compounds like water, the molar mass is calculated by summing the atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule.

The atomic mass of each element is measured in atomic mass units (amu), and the molar mass is simply the total mass of one mole of these atoms expressed in grams. For water, this means adding the atomic masses of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.