C++ and_eq Keyword

The and_eq keyword in C++ is an alternative representation for the bitwise AND assignment operator (&=). It is part of the set of alternative tokens provided by C++ for operators, often used to improve code readability or compatibility with certain keyboard layouts.

The and_eq operator performs a bitwise AND operation between two values and assigns the result to the left operand.


operand1 and_eq operand2;
The variable on which the bitwise AND operation is performed and to which the result is assigned.
The value to perform the bitwise AND operation with.
The result
The result of the bitwise AND operation is stored in operand1.


Example 1: Using and_eq for Bitwise AND Assignment

This example demonstrates how to use the and_eq keyword to perform a bitwise AND operation and assign the result.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int a = 10;  // Binary: 1010
    int b = 6;   // Binary: 0110

    a and_eq b;  // Perform a &= b

    cout << "Result of a and_eq b: " << a << endl; // Output: 2
    return 0;


Result of a and_eq b: 2


  1. The binary representation of a is 1010, and b is 0110.
  2. The bitwise AND operation is performed: 1010 AND 0110 = 0010 (decimal 2).
  3. The result 0010 is assigned back to a.

Example 2: Using and_eq in Conditional Logic

This example shows how and_eq can be used in a loop to manipulate flags using bitwise operations.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int flags = 0b1111; // Binary: 1111 (all flags set)

    // Clear the last two flags using and_eq
    flags and_eq 0b1100;

    cout << "Flags after clearing: " << flags << endl; // Output: 12
    return 0;


Flags after clearing: 12


  1. The initial value of flags is 1111 in binary (decimal 15).
  2. The bitmask 0b1100 (decimal 12) is used to clear the last two bits.
  3. The operation flags and_eq 0b1100 results in 1111 AND 1100 = 1100 (decimal 12).
  4. The updated value of flags is printed as 12.

Key Points about and_eq Keyword

  1. The and_eq keyword is equivalent to &=, performing a bitwise AND operation and assignment.
  2. It modifies the value of the left operand by performing a bitwise AND with the right operand.
  3. It is part of the alternative tokens in C++ for operator representation.
  4. Although functional, and_eq is less commonly used compared to &=.
  5. It is useful in scenarios where bitwise operations are needed, such as working with flags or manipulating binary data.