C++ asm Keyword

The asm keyword in C++ is used to embed assembly language instructions directly within C++ code. This feature is often used in performance-critical applications, hardware-level programming, or scenarios where direct access to processor instructions is required. The asm keyword is synonymous with __asm or __asm__ depending on the compiler.

Embedded assembly provides low-level control over the CPU and allows developers to optimize specific portions of code for maximum performance.

Note: The asm keyword is compiler-specific and may not be supported in some modern C++ standards. It is recommended to use inline assembly with caution and consider higher-level abstractions where possible.

Syntax to use asm

The keyword used to declare inline assembly code.
The assembly code written as a string literal.


Example 1: Simple Assembly Code

This example demonstrates the use of the asm keyword to execute a simple nop instruction.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    asm("nop"); // Perform no operation
    cout << "Assembly instruction executed." << endl;
    return 0;


Assembly instruction executed.


  1. The asm("nop") instruction executes a no-operation command, which is an assembly instruction that does nothing.
  2. It is typically used for timing adjustments or to fill instruction pipelines.
  3. The rest of the C++ code executes normally, demonstrating how assembly can be embedded seamlessly.

Example 2: Modifying a Variable Using Assembly

This example shows how to modify a variable using inline assembly.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int value = 10;

    asm("addl $5, %0" : "=r"(value) : "0"(value)); // Add 5 to value

    cout << "Value after assembly operation: " << value << endl;
    return 0;


Value after assembly operation: 15


  1. The variable value is initialized to 10.
  2. The addl assembly instruction adds 5 to the value of the variable.
  3. The "=r" constraint specifies that the result will be stored in a register, and the "0" constraint ensures the same variable is used as input and output.
  4. The modified value is printed to the console.

Example 3: Using Assembly for Register-Level Operations

This example demonstrates how to use inline assembly to perform operations on CPU registers.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int result;

    asm("movl $10, %0" : "=r"(result)); // Move the value 10 into result

    cout << "Value in result: " << result << endl;
    return 0;


Value in result: 10


  1. The movl assembly instruction moves the value 10 into the variable result.
  2. The "=r" constraint specifies that the result will be stored in a general-purpose register.
  3. The result variable is then printed to confirm the operation.

Key Points about asm Keyword

  1. The asm keyword allows embedding assembly code directly in C++ programs.
  2. It is compiler-specific and often used for low-level hardware manipulation or performance optimization.
  3. Assembly instructions must be written in the syntax expected by the target platform’s assembler (e.g., AT&T or Intel syntax).
  4. The use of asm is discouraged in modern C++ when high-level abstractions are sufficient.
  5. Always test and verify inline assembly code thoroughly, as incorrect usage can lead to undefined behavior.