What Are Function Templates?

A function template is a blueprint for creating functions. It allows you to define a generic function structure, where the specific data type is determined when the function is called.

Function templates in C++ provide a powerful mechanism for creating generic functions that can work with different data types. Instead of writing separate functions for each data type, templates enable you to write a single, flexible function that adapts to the data type provided during compilation.

Syntax of Function Templates

Function templates are declared using the template keyword followed by template parameters enclosed in angle brackets.

The general syntax for defining a function template is:

template <typename T> // T is a placeholder type
ReturnType FunctionName(T parameter) {
    // Function body


  • T is the template parameter that acts as a placeholder for the data type.
  • You can use class instead of typename, as they are interchangeable in this context.
  • The actual type of T is determined when the function is called.

Example: A Simple Function Template

Below is an example of a function template that calculates the maximum of two values.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
T findMax(T a, T b) {
    return (a > b) ? a : b;

int main() {
    cout << "Max of 3 and 7: " << findMax(3, 7) << endl;
    cout << "Max of 5.6 and 3.2: " << findMax(5.6, 3.2) << endl;
    cout << "Max of 'a' and 'z': " << findMax('a', 'z') << endl;
    return 0;


Max of 3 and 7: 7
Max of 5.6 and 3.2: 5.6
Max of 'a' and 'z': z


  1. Template Declaration:
    1. The function findMax is declared using the template keyword.
    2. The line template <typename T> defines a template parameter T, which serves as a placeholder for the data type.
    3. When the function is called, the compiler automatically deduces and replaces T with the appropriate data type based on the provided arguments, and return type (if T is used).
  2. Template Function Definition:
    1. The function findMax(T a, T b) takes two parameters, a and b, of the same type T.
    2. The body of the function uses the ternary operator (? :) to return the larger of the two values.
    3. The function is generic and can work with any data type that supports the > operator, such as integers, floating-point numbers, and characters.
  3. Main Function:
    1. Inside the main() function, the template function is called three times with different data types:
    2. findMax(3, 7):
      • The template parameter T is deduced to be int.
      • The function compares two integers and returns the larger value, which is 7.
    3. findMax(5.6, 3.2):
      • The template parameter T is deduced to be double.
      • The function compares two floating-point numbers and returns the larger value, which is 5.6.
    4. findMax('a', 'z'):
      • The template parameter T is deduced to be char.
      • The function compares two characters based on their ASCII values. Since 'z' has a higher ASCII value than 'a', it returns 'z'.
  4. Template Instantiation:
    1. The compiler generates separate versions of the findMax function for each data type used in the calls: int, double, and char.
    2. This process is called template instantiation, where the compiler creates specific functions from the generic template based on the arguments provided.
  5. Output:
    • The program prints the maximum of each pair of values:
      • Max of 3 and 7: 7
      • Max of 5.6 and 3.2: 5.6
      • Max of 'a' and 'z': z
  6. Key Takeaways from this program:
    1. Function templates reduce code duplication by enabling the same function to work with multiple data types.
    2. Template instantiation happens at compile-time, ensuring type safety.
    3. The template function relies on the data type’s ability to support the required operations (e.g., >).

Multiple Template Parameters

You can define templates with multiple parameters. This is useful when dealing with functions that operate on two or more types. Use a comma-separated list of template parameters:

Example: Using Function Templates with Multiple Parameters

In this example, we define a function template with multiple parameters to handle two different types in a single function.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function template with two parameters
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void display(T1 a, T2 b) {
    cout << "First: " << a << ", Second: " << b << endl;

int main() {
    display(10, "Hello");  // Integer and string
    display(3.14, 42);     // Double and integer
    return 0;


First: 10, Second: Hello
First: 3.14, Second: 42


  1. Template Declaration:
    1. The function template is declared with two parameters: template <typename T1, typename T2>.
    2. T1 and T2 are placeholders for two different types that the function will accept.
  2. Function Definition:
    1. The function display takes two parameters, a of type T1 and b of type T2.
    2. The function outputs both values with appropriate labels, regardless of their types.
  3. Template Instantiation in main():
    1. When display(10, "Hello") is called:
      • T1 is deduced to be int.
      • T2 is deduced to be const char* (C-style string).
    2. When display(3.14, 42) is called:
      • T1 is deduced to be double.
      • T2 is deduced to be int.
  4. Output Explanation:
    1. The first call to display outputs: First: 10, Second: Hello, since the first parameter is an integer and the second is a string.
    2. The second call outputs: First: 3.14, Second: 42, since the first parameter is a double and the second is an integer.
  5. Key Takeaways from this program:
    1. Function templates with multiple parameters allow flexibility in handling functions that operate on different types simultaneously.
    2. The compiler automatically deduces the types of the template parameters based on the arguments provided.
    3. This approach reduces code duplication and improves maintainability for functions with diverse type requirements.

Specialization of Function Templates

Sometimes, you need to customize the behavior of a template for a specific type. This is called template specialization.

Example: Specialization of Function Templates

This example demonstrates how to specialize a function template for a specific data type. The generic template handles most types, while a specialized version customizes behavior for char.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Generic function template
template <typename T>
void printValue(T value) {
    cout << "Value: " << value << endl;

// Specialization for char
template <>
void printValue(char value) {
    cout << "Character: " << value << endl;

int main() {
    printValue(10);       // Calls generic template
    printValue('A');      // Calls specialized template
    return 0;


Value: 10
Character: A


  1. Generic Function Template:
    1. The function printValue is defined as a template with a single parameter T.
    2. It prints the given value for any type T.
    3. When printValue(10) is called, T is deduced as int, and the generic function template is used.
  2. Specialization for char:
    1. The line template <> void printValue(char value) defines a specialization of the function template for the char type.
    2. It provides custom behavior for char by outputting the message Character: instead of Value:.
    3. When printValue('A') is called, the compiler uses this specialized template.
  3. Template Instantiation:
    1. The compiler generates two versions of the printValue function:
      • One for the generic template (int in this case).
      • One for the specialized template (char).
  4. Output Explanation:
    1. printValue(10): The generic template prints Value: 10.
    2. printValue('A'): The specialized template for char prints Character: A.
  5. Key Takeaways from this program:
    1. Template specialization allows customization for specific types without affecting the generic behavior for other types.
    2. Specialized templates must be explicitly defined with template<> before the function definition.
    3. This technique is useful when a generic function needs unique behavior for certain types.

Advantages of Function Templates

  1. Reduces code duplication by enabling generic programming.
  2. Improves maintainability by consolidating logic into a single function.
  3. Provides type safety during compilation.
  4. Works seamlessly with user-defined types that overload operators.

Use Cases of Function Templates

  1. Sorting and searching algorithms (e.g., std::sort, std::binary_search).
  2. Mathematical operations like finding maximum, minimum, or average.
  3. General utility functions for input/output operations.
  4. Custom containers and libraries for generic programming.

Limitations of Function Templates

  1. Templates can lead to larger binary sizes because the compiler generates multiple instances of the function for different types.
  2. Debugging template code can be challenging due to complex error messages.
  3. Excessive use can increase compilation time in large projects.