C++ typedef Keyword

The typedef keyword in C++ is used to create type aliases, allowing you to define new names for existing data types. This can simplify code, make it more readable, and enhance maintainability, especially when working with complex data types like pointers, structures, or templates.

Though typedef is widely used in C++, the modern alternative using keyword is preferred in modern C++ (C++11 and later) due to its greater flexibility, especially when working with templates.


typedef existing_type new_type_name;
The keyword used to define a type alias.
The type you want to create an alias for.
The new name you are assigning to the type.


Example 1: Typedef for Simple Types

This example demonstrates how to use typedef to create aliases for basic data types.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef unsigned int uint;

int main() {
    uint age = 25; // uint is an alias for unsigned int
    cout << "Age: " << age << endl;
    return 0;


Age: 25


  1. The typedef statement typedef unsigned int uint; creates an alias uint for unsigned int.
  2. The variable age is declared as uint and initialized with 25.
  3. The output demonstrates that uint behaves exactly like unsigned int.

Example 2: Typedef for Pointers

This example shows how typedef can simplify the declaration of pointers.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef int* IntPtr;

int main() {
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    IntPtr ptr1 = &a, ptr2 = &b; // IntPtr is an alias for int*

    cout << "Value of a: " << *ptr1 << endl;
    cout << "Value of b: " << *ptr2 << endl;

    return 0;


Value of a: 10
Value of b: 20


  1. The typedef statement typedef int* IntPtr; creates an alias IntPtr for int*.
  2. The variables ptr1 and ptr2 are declared using IntPtr, pointing to a and b respectively.
  3. Using *ptr1 and *ptr2, the values of a and b are accessed and displayed.

Example 3: Typedef for Structures

This example demonstrates how typedef can simplify the usage of structures.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef struct {
    int id;
    string name;
} Student;

int main() {
    Student s1 = {1, "Alice"}; // Using the typedef alias

    cout << "Student ID: " << s1.id << ", Name: " << s1.name << endl;
    return 0;


Student ID: 1, Name: Alice


  1. The typedef statement typedef struct { int id; string name; } Student; creates an alias Student for the unnamed structure.
  2. The variable s1 is declared using the alias Student, simplifying the syntax.
  3. The structure’s members id and name are initialized and displayed.

Key Points about typedef Keyword

  1. The typedef keyword allows you to create type aliases for better code readability and simplicity.
  2. It is particularly useful for complex data types like pointers, function pointers, and structures.
  3. Although typedef is still widely used, the using keyword introduced in C++11 offers more flexibility, especially with templates.
  4. Using meaningful type aliases can make your code easier to understand and maintain.