C++ typename Keyword

The typename keyword in C++ is used in templates to explicitly specify that a dependent name (a name that depends on a template parameter) represents a type. It is necessary to disambiguate cases where the compiler might interpret a name as something other than a type, such as a static member or variable.

The typename keyword is essential for ensuring that template code is correctly parsed and understood by the compiler. It is primarily used in contexts where dependent types appear in template classes or functions.


typename nested_type_name;
The keyword used to specify that a dependent name is a type.
The name of the dependent type that requires disambiguation.

When to Use typename

  1. When accessing a nested type within a template parameter.
  2. When defining an alias for a dependent type within a template.
  3. To resolve ambiguity when the compiler cannot determine whether a dependent name is a type or not.


Example 1: Accessing Nested Type

This example demonstrates how the typename keyword is used to access a nested type in a template parameter.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Wrapper {
    typename T::value_type getFirst(const T& container) {
        return container[0];

int main() {
    vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};
    Wrapper<vector<int>> wrapper;

    cout << "First element: " << wrapper.getFirst(numbers) << endl;
    return 0;


First element: 1


  1. The Wrapper template class takes a container type as a template parameter.
  2. In the member function getFirst, typename T::value_type specifies the type of the elements in the container. The typename keyword is necessary because T::value_type is a dependent type.
  3. The function retrieves the first element of the container and returns it.
  4. In the main function, the Wrapper class is instantiated with vector<int>, and the first element of the vector is printed.

Example 2: Defining an Alias for a Dependent Type

This example shows how to use the typename keyword to define an alias for a dependent type in a template.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class KeyValuePrinter {
    using KeyType = typename T::key_type;
    using ValueType = typename T::mapped_type;

    void print(const T& container) {
        for (const pair<KeyType, ValueType>& entry : container) {
            cout << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << endl;

int main() {
    map<string, int> ageMap = {{"Alice", 25}, {"Bob", 30}};
    KeyValuePrinter<map<string, int>> printer;

    return 0;


Alice: 25
Bob: 30


  1. The KeyValuePrinter template class takes a map type as a template parameter.
  2. The using statements use the typename keyword to define aliases for the key_type and mapped_type of the map.
  3. In the print function, these aliases are used to iterate over the map and print its key-value pairs.
  4. In the main function, the KeyValuePrinter class is instantiated with a map type, and the contents of the map are printed.

Key Points about typename Keyword

  1. The typename keyword is required to specify that a dependent name represents a type.
  2. It is commonly used in templates when accessing nested types in template parameters.
  3. Failing to use typename in required contexts results in a compilation error.
  4. In modern C++, typename is often used in combination with using for creating type aliases.