C++ Unsigned Short Maximum Value

In C++, an unsigned short is an integer data type used to store only non-negative integer values. It uses 16 bits on most systems, which means it can represent values from 0 to 65,535. The maximum value of an unsigned short is 65,535. This value is defined by the USHRT_MAX macro in the <climits> header.

Understanding Unsigned Short

The unsigned short data type represents numbers in the range:

  • Minimum Value: 0
  • Maximum Value: 65,535

The range is derived from the formula:

0 to 2^n - 1

Where n is the number of bits used by the data type. For an unsigned short, n = 16, resulting in:

0 to 2^16 - 1 = 0 to 65,535

C++ Program to Access Unsigned Short Maximum Value

You can programmatically access the maximum value of an unsigned short using the USHRT_MAX constant from the <climits> header.

In the following example, we will demonstrate how to access and use USHRT_MAX in a C++ program.


#include <iostream>
#include <climits>

int main() {
    // Accessing the maximum value of unsigned short
    std::cout << "The maximum value of unsigned short is: " << USHRT_MAX << std::endl;
    return 0;


The maximum value of unsigned short is: 65535


  • The <climits> header provides macros for the limits of fundamental data types in C++.
  • The USHRT_MAX macro defines the maximum value of an unsigned short, which is 65,535 for a 16-bit unsigned short.
  • The program uses std::cout to output the maximum value of an unsigned short directly using USHRT_MAX.