C++ volatile

The volatile keyword in C++ is used to inform the compiler that a variable may be modified at any time, outside the current code’s control, such as by hardware, another thread, or an external process. This prevents the compiler from optimizing the variable’s usage, ensuring that it is read from and written to memory each time it is accessed.

By using volatile, you ensure that the compiler does not apply optimizations that could otherwise lead to unexpected behavior in multithreading or hardware-interfacing scenarios.


volatile data_type variable_name;
The keyword that prevents the compiler from optimizing the variable.
The data type of the variable, such as int, float, or char.
The name of the variable to be declared as volatile.


Example 1: Preventing Compiler Optimizations

This example shows how the volatile keyword ensures that the variable is always accessed directly from memory.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

volatile int flag = 0; // Declared as volatile

void checkFlag() {
    while (flag == 0) {
        // Wait until flag is updated
    cout << "Flag updated!" << endl;

int main() {
    // Simulating an external update
    flag = 1; // In real scenarios, this might be updated by another thread or hardware
    return 0;


Flag updated!


  1. The variable flag is declared as volatile, preventing the compiler from optimizing the while loop.
  2. If volatile were not used, the compiler might assume flag does not change and optimize the loop, causing an infinite loop.
  3. Declaring flag as volatile ensures that its value is always read from memory, allowing updates to be detected.

Example 2: Interfacing with Hardware

This example shows how we can use volatile keyword when interfacing with a hardware register.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

volatile unsigned int* hardwareRegister = (unsigned int*)0x400; // Memory-mapped hardware register

void checkRegister() {
    while (*hardwareRegister == 0) {
        // Wait until the hardware updates the register
    cout << "Hardware register updated!" << endl;

int main() {
    checkRegister(); // Simulate monitoring the register
    return 0;


Hardware register updated!


  1. The pointer hardwareRegister is declared as volatile, ensuring that its value is always read directly from the memory-mapped register.
  2. This prevents the compiler from caching the value, which might lead to outdated reads.
  3. Using volatile ensures that the program reacts to updates made by the hardware.

Key Points about volatile Keyword

  1. The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from optimizing the access to a variable.
  2. It is commonly used in multithreading, hardware interfacing, and signal handling scenarios.
  3. Declaring a variable as volatile ensures it is always read from and written to memory, avoiding cached values.
  4. However, volatile does not make a variable thread-safe; use synchronization mechanisms for proper thread safety.