Go – Array of Structs

Arrays in Go are fixed-size collections of elements of the same type. An array of structs is a collection where each element is a struct, allowing you to group and store multiple related fields for each element in a structured way.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to create and perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on arrays of structs with practical examples and detailed explanations.

Syntax for Array of Structs

The syntax to declare an array of structs involves defining a struct and using it as the element type:

type StructName struct {
    Field1 dataType
    Field2 dataType

var arrayName [length]StructName


  • StructName: The name of the struct type used for elements.
  • arrayName: The name of the array.
  • length: The fixed size of the array.

Basic CRUD Operations on Struct Arrays

1. Create an Array of Structs

Here’s how to create and initialize an array of structs:

package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct
type Employee struct {
    Name   string
    ID     int
    Salary float64

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize an array of Employee structs
    employees := [2]Employee{
        {"Alice", 101, 50000.0},
        {"Bob", 102, 55000.0},

    // Print the array
    fmt.Println("Array of Employees:", employees)


  1. Define Struct: The struct Employee is defined with fields Name, ID, and Salary.
  2. Declare and Initialize: The array employees is initialized with two Employee objects.
  3. Print Array: The entire array is printed using fmt.Println.


2. Read Elements from an Array

Access array elements using their indices and print individual fields:

package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct
type Employee struct {
    Name   string
    ID     int
    Salary float64

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize an array of Employee structs
    employees := [2]Employee{
        {"Alice", 101, 50000.0},
        {"Bob", 102, 55000.0},

    // Access and print individual elements
    fmt.Println("First Employee:", employees[0])
    fmt.Println("Second Employee Name:", employees[1].Name)


  1. Access Elements: Array elements are accessed using indices, and fields are accessed using the dot (.) operator.
  2. Print Elements: Specific elements or fields are printed using fmt.Println.


3. Update Elements in an Array

Update the fields of an element in the array:

package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct
type Employee struct {
    Name   string
    ID     int
    Salary float64

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize an array of Employee structs
    employees := [2]Employee{
        {"Alice", 101, 50000.0},
        {"Bob", 102, 55000.0},

    // Update an employee's salary
    employees[1].Salary = 60000.0

    // Print updated array
    fmt.Println("Updated Array:", employees)


  1. Update Field: The Salary field of the second Employee object is updated to 60000.0.
  2. Print Updated Array: The modified array is printed using fmt.Println.


4. Delete Elements from an Array

To “delete” an object from the array, reset it to an empty struct:

package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct
type Employee struct {
    Name   string
    ID     int
    Salary float64

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize an array of Employee structs
    employees := [2]Employee{
        {"Alice", 101, 50000.0},
        {"Bob", 102, 55000.0},

    // "Delete" the second employee by resetting it to an empty struct
    employees[1] = Employee{}

    // Print updated array
    fmt.Println("Array after deletion:", employees)


  1. Reset Element: The second element is reset to an empty Employee struct.
  2. Print Updated Array: The array with the updated value is printed using fmt.Println.


Points to Remember

  • Fixed Size: Arrays in Go have a fixed size defined during declaration.
  • Structured Data: Use structs to define the shape of objects stored in the array.
  • Zero Value: Uninitialized elements in the array default to the zero value of the struct fields.
  • Static Collections: Arrays are ideal for scenarios where the size and structure of the data are fixed.