Go Class
Go does not have a keyword class
. But it does not limit us to define a class in Go. We can define a class in a way which is similar to defining variables; and define methods of a class, by providing set of methods on the common type.
For example, we can define a class by defining a struct and implement methods on the struct type. And this struct will be analogous to a class concept.
In the following example, we will define a class using Go structs.
package main
import "fmt"
// struct definition
type Student struct {
name string
rollNumber int
// associate method to Strudent struct type
func (s Student) PrintDetails() {
fmt.Println("Student Details\n---------------")
fmt.Println("Name :", s.name)
fmt.Println("Roll Number :", s.rollNumber)
func main() {
var stud1 = Student{name:"Anu", rollNumber:14}
Student Details
Name : Anu
Roll Number : 14
The Student struct is analogous to a class below provided in pseudo code.
Pseudo Code
class Student{
function PrintDetails(){
// print details using this.name, this.rollnumber
In this Go Tutorial, we learned how to word around a Class concept is in Go, with the help of examples.