Go – Function as Parameter

Functions in Go are first-class citizens, meaning they can be passed as arguments to other functions, enabling higher-order programming. This is a powerful feature that allows dynamic and reusable code.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to pass a function as a parameter, the syntax, examples, and benefits of using functions as parameters in Go.

Syntax of Function as Parameter

The syntax for passing a function as a parameter is as follows:

func higherOrderFunction(paramFunc func(paramType) returnType) {
    // Call the passed function
    result := paramFunc(argument)


  • paramFunc: The parameter representing the function being passed.
  • paramType: The type of the parameters the passed function accepts.
  • returnType: The return type of the passed function.

Examples of Functions as Parameters

Example 1: Passing a Function as Parameter

Here’s an example of passing a function as a parameter:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function to be passed as a parameter
func square(num int) int {
    return num * num

// Higher-order function
func processNumber(num int, operation func(int) int) {
    result := operation(num)
    fmt.Println("Result:", result)

func main() {
    // Pass the square function as a parameter
    processNumber(5, square)


  1. Define Function: The function square takes an integer and returns its square.
  2. Define Higher-Order Function: The processNumber function accepts an integer and a function as parameters.
  3. Call Function: The square function is passed to processNumber, which calls it with the given number.


Example 2: Using an Anonymous Function

Instead of defining a separate function, you can use an anonymous function as a parameter:

package main

import "fmt"

// Higher-order function
func processNumber(num int, operation func(int) int) {
    result := operation(num)
    fmt.Println("Result:", result)

func main() {
    // Pass an anonymous function as a parameter
    processNumber(10, func(n int) int {
        return n * 2


  1. Define Higher-Order Function: The processNumber function takes a number and a function as arguments.
  2. Pass Anonymous Function: An inline anonymous function is passed as the second argument, which doubles the number.
  3. Call Function: The anonymous function is invoked within processNumber.


Example 3: Function with Multiple Operations

You can pass multiple functions to apply different operations:

package main

import "fmt"

// Define operations
func add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

func multiply(a, b int) int {
    return a * b

// Higher-order function
func calculate(a, b int, operation func(int, int) int) {
    result := operation(a, b)
    fmt.Println("Result:", result)

func main() {
    calculate(3, 4, add)      // Pass add function
    calculate(3, 4, multiply) // Pass multiply function


  1. Define Operations: Two functions add and multiply are defined for addition and multiplication.
  2. Define Higher-Order Function: The calculate function accepts two integers and a function.
  3. Call Function: Both add and multiply are passed as arguments to calculate for different operations.


Points to Remember

  • Functions are first-class citizens in Go, enabling dynamic and reusable code patterns.
  • Passing functions as parameters is useful for implementing callbacks and higher-order programming.
  • You can use both named and anonymous functions as parameters.