Go – Function Return

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use return statements in functions in the Go programming language (Golang). Functions in Go can return values to the caller using the return keyword. Go supports single, multiple, and named return values, making functions versatile and expressive. We will cover these variations with practical examples and detailed explanations.

Basic Syntax for Return

The basic syntax for a function that returns a value is:

func functionName(parameters) returnType {
    // Function body
    return value


  • returnType: The type of the value the function returns.
  • return: The keyword used to return a value from the function.
  • value: The value or expression that is returned.

Examples of Function Returns

Example 1: Single Return Value

A simple function that returns a single value:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function that returns the square of a number
func square(num int) int {
    return num * num

func main() {
    result := square(5) // Call the function
    fmt.Println("Square of 5:", result)


  1. Define Function: The square function accepts an integer parameter and returns its square.
  2. Use Return Statement: The product num * num is returned using the return keyword.
  3. Call Function: The result of square(5) is stored in result and printed.


Example 2: Multiple Return Values

Go functions can return multiple values:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function that returns the quotient and remainder of a division
func divide(a int, b int) (int, int) {
    return a / b, a % b

func main() {
    quotient, remainder := divide(10, 3) // Call the function
    fmt.Println("Quotient:", quotient)
    fmt.Println("Remainder:", remainder)


  1. Define Function: The divide function accepts two integers and returns two values: quotient and remainder.
  2. Use Multiple Returns: Both a / b and a % b are returned separated by commas.
  3. Capture Results: The results are stored in quotient and remainder using multiple assignments.


Example 3: Named Return Values

Go allows naming return values in the function signature:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function with named return values
func rectangleDimensions(length, width int) (area, perimeter int) {
    area = length * width
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
    return // Named return values are automatically returned

func main() {
    area, perimeter := rectangleDimensions(5, 3) // Call the function
    fmt.Println("Area:", area)
    fmt.Println("Perimeter:", perimeter)


  1. Define Named Return Values: The function rectangleDimensions defines area and perimeter as named return values.
  2. Assign Values: The values for area and perimeter are computed inside the function.
  3. Automatic Return: Named return values are automatically returned when the return keyword is used without arguments.


Example 4: Returning a Function

A function can return another function:

package main

import "fmt"

// Function that returns another function
func multiplier(factor int) func(int) int {
    return func(num int) int {
        return num * factor

func main() {
    double := multiplier(2) // Returns a function that doubles numbers
    fmt.Println("Double of 5:", double(5))


  1. Define Function: The multiplier function returns an anonymous function.
  2. Return a Function: The returned function takes an integer and multiplies it by factor.
  3. Call Returned Function: The returned function is assigned to double and invoked with an argument.


Important Points

  • A function can return a single value, multiple values, or no value.
  • Named return values improve code readability and reduce the need for explicit return statements.
  • Returning functions allows creating higher-order functions for advanced use cases.